
Gift from US

I'm freaking tired and busy actually~EventSSS drag me to the hell~But still feel like blogging some about my life here..I'm exhausted!! The thing below is always encourage me to stay strong always. When I'm studying or emo-ing, i would like to look at my board,i can simply feel a kind of release..Thanks to people =)


When that day i was not in good mood and ready for my business law presentation..I was sooo pek cek until someone from US bought me something and make me happy..And that was Mr Gopher!! He is the mascot of Minnesota,US~ ;)

Also, i couldn't stop coughing for 1 month..Mr kok was so worry about me and he bought me 2 packet of cough suppressant for me..Mr kok is soooo sweet ah~ #>.<#

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And also a shirt and jacket from him~ =D

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